League Bowling
About League Bowling
Chinook Bowladrome has leagues for everyone. We have bowlers as young as 3 and some well into their 90s!
Bowling never gets rained or snowed out! It’s a great social sport that allows you to meet new people in a fun environment.
We offer adult leagues Monday-Friday and run our Youth Bowling on Saturday mornings and our Special Olympics league on Saturday afternoons. If looking for a league for the entire family, on Sunday evenings we have a Family No-Tap league.
Who Can Join A League?
Anyone! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we have a league for you.

How Do Bowling Leagues Work?
League Format
Bowling leagues are a fantastic way to combine friendly competition with a social atmosphere. Typically, leagues meet once a week and bowl three games per session. This provides a perfect balance of skill improvement and camaraderie, making each gathering an enjoyable experience.
Curious about how your team is faring against the competition? League standings are regularly updated and posted online for everyone to view. Whether you're a seasoned bowler or a newcomer to the sport, tracking your progress and staying informed about the league dynamics is made easy.
Weekly Lineage Fee
To participate in a bowling league, members are required to pay a weekly lineage fee. This fee covers the cost of lane usage, maintenance, and other associated expenses. It ensures that the facilities are well-maintained and provides a fair playing field for all participants.
Seasonal Awards
At the culmination of the season, leagues celebrate their bowlers' achievements by awarding prize money based on individual and team standings. This creates a thrilling climax to the season and recognizes the dedication and skill of the participants. It's not just about the competition; it's about celebrating the shared passion for the sport.
Prize Money
In addition to the lineage fee, league bowlers often contribute to a prize fund. This money is pooled and distributed at the end of the season as awards for outstanding individual and team performances. The competitive spirit is heightened as participants vie for these coveted prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement to each game.
Registration Fees
While some leagues operate solely on weekly lineage fees and prize money contributions, others may require a registration fee at the beginning of the season. This fee helps cover administrative costs, securing your spot in the league, and facilitating a smooth start to the bowling season.
Our regular season leagues typically begin in September and run until April with a short break for the holidays in December.
We offer shorter Spring Leagues after the regular season ends. These are a great way to see if league bowling is right for you!
Joining a bowling league is not just about the sport; it's an opportunity to build lasting friendships, improve your game, and experience the joy of competition. So, lace up those bowling shoes, grab your ball, and get ready for a season of strikes, spares, and unforgettable moments!